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Intel® Web Suite Overview

Employee Validation

The Employee Validation Manager's (EVM) key role is to validate that requests for application access are from valid employees within your company and that the users should have access to the applications they are requesting. How each EVM carries out this responsibility will be different from company to company. The method is not as important as making sure that each request is validated. If this role is not taken seriously, it is possible, but unlikely, that unauthorized requests can be approved, giving non-employees access to your company's data.

Once you are signed up to be your company's EVM, you will receive an email notification each time a user from your company requests access to an application on You should then go to the Employee Validation screen to either approve or reject this request.

EVMs are encouraged to be proactive! Employees change roles frequently and may leave your company. If you know of employees that should have their application access removed, please do not wait until quarterly re-validation. Go into the EVM tools and deactivate them as soon as possible to ensure your data within Intel's tools stays secure!

Note: Keep in mind that large firms may have more than one EVM. If this is the case in your company, any EVM can approve a request. All EVMs will receive the email notification. It is possible, therefore, that you may get the notification and not find a request in your work queue. One of the other EVMs at your company may have already approved or rejected the user's request, resulting in your EVM queue being empty.

Click the try it! button to learn how to approve or reject a validation request. Feel free to repeat the exercise until you feel comfortable performing the steps.

Approve/Reject Validation Requests
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